QResults System

QResults was designed in-house as part of our proprietary tracking system and provides details on the location, performance and conversions of individual traffic sources. With the results from QResults, we can help analyze all traffic sources running through our network.

Affiliate Advantages

It’s important to make the most of your marketing efforts and finding the right placements for the right programs is essential. Our QResults system can help you identify and analyze your placements. By utilizing our tracking options, you can drill down into detailed reports to monitor, review, and adjust placements. By learning where programs are performing best, you can concentrate your marketing efforts to optimize your time and increase your profitability.

Providing insight into placements is just one aspect of QResults. QResults is also able to help pinpoint quality sources and affiliates have benefited from increased commissions from merchants seeking their quality customers.

Merchant Advantages

CommissionSoup and their QResults system have been providing program transparency from the beginning. The key features of QResults include the detailed exposure of where traffic is originating and the ability to analyze a specific time frame, source, or multiple sources – adding to a merchant’s control of their offer’s promotion. When merchants are able to identify quality customers, they can utilize our QResults system to locate the source of those customers and then seek to increase the traffic producing those quality customers. Additionally, merchants who identify low quality or fraudulent customers can utilize our QResults system to identify and reduce those sources.

Utilizing our QResults system can have a big impact on the overall performance of the offers in our network.