Internet Marketing Solutions

Too many businesses make the mistake of wasting thousands of dollars for marketing services that are incapable of guaranteeing increased sales. CommissionSoup believes that every dollar you spend on marketing should deliver measurable results. This is why our cost-effective pay-for-performance network offers you the most effective Internet marketing solutions.

In the past, pay-per-click programs were the standard method of Internet Marketing. Pay-per-click offered commissions to websites based on the number of visitors they referred to a merchant's site through a linked banner ad. However, this system could be severely inefficient, as it still required merchants to pay for advertising that may or may not have lead to increased sales. Our pay-for-performance module ensures that our merchants only pay for ads that measurably generate revenue.

Pay-For-Performance Internet Marketing Solutions

We facilitate affiliate marketing partnerships between merchants and marketers, strategically crafted for maximum mutual benefit. Our web-tracking tools allow you to monitor Internet traffic and observe the marketer's direct effect on sales. Marketers earn commissions for every referral that results in a sale. This means that our merchants only pay for services that have already helped to increase their profits.

Our Internet marketing solutions can literally pay for themselves, unlike expensive, unreliable traditional marketing strategies. When you join our affiliate network, we provide you with the means to dramatically gain leads, customers, and exposure by embracing the new marketing possibilities of the Internet. Whether you're an online merchant, or a website owner anxious to turn your traffic into significant income, CommissionSoup offers the quality, reliable Internet business solutions for you.